When ESS times out, especially the web portal, have it close and go back to the login screen
ESS should work more like a bank website, and pop up a box reminding the user they are going to be logged out, and if the time isn't extended, it should return to the login screen. This would keep sensitive information from being shown.
Add in the option to have a company wide PTO calendar that everyone can see on their home page or on a page. This will help people know when others are out, even if they don't report to them.� Needs to be an option as not everyone will want it.� W...
Provide a means of defining the options within the manager role and/or add a supervisor role
Provide a means of defining the role manager role into further breakdown for additional access. Often clients wish to have some managers with additional access from the large group of managers, or some managers should have a bit less access.Altern...
Ability to switch back to the Existing/Classic Time Off Calendar View in Sage ESS Premium
Many people moving to Sage ESS Premium want the existing/classic time off calendar view in lieu of the 'Needs Review' one in Sage ESS Premium.� The ability to select would be much appreciated.
Make the buttons on ESS Login Maintenance left justified.
When accessing login maintenance on ESS, one cannot reach the "Save" button on screens with limited width such as phones or even a laptop that is moderately zoomed in.� Please change to left justified.� I could not unlock several users that I need...
There is the ability under "Maintain Benefit Letters" in Sage ESS under the Benefit Administrator to delete benefit letters individually. There doesn't appear to be the ability to mass delete. As more letters are generated, this area could become ...
When updating there are Plan groups with multiple Benefit options if a person switches from one option to another, the previous election needs to be expired in HRMS.
When updating a Life Event�or OE: If a plan has multiple plan enrollments and a person switches from one plan to the another, it correctly adds the Needs Review plan but does not expire the existing. This occurs in the Premium version of Sage ESS/...