Allow the option under each employer to default to all No's unless selected, or a master box at the top to allow you to disclude everything (or uncheck) and only check the items needed.�Provide the option to copy security from one employer to anot...
Add the Employer Federal ID field to Employer Setup instead of Enterprise Setup
The Federal Tax ID number field is at Enterprise setup instead of Employer setup. The Federal Tax ID number is often used for reporting by employer, so it would be nice to have that handy. Not everyone has payroll, so it needs to be stored on the ...
Paralea Boose
over 2 years ago
in System
Needs review
Please modify the icon used for the default client installation or do not drop that installation icon on the client desktops at all.�Because the icon is the same picture as the icon to actually launch Sage HRMS it confuses end users, and it can ca...
Custom Detail Pages fall into standard Detail Page tabs
Enable capability to see all employee detail options tabs including Personal, Job/Pay, etc. while in Custom Detail pages, rather than having to select View/Edit again to obtain those choices for screen changes.�
I was just doing some training and found that the Audit Trail indexing seems to be messed up . When I selected the Employee Personnel here, it only took us to this short list of fields. The rest of the fields in that table are quite far down the l...
Allow for a system configuration item to define a time of day that users would be programmatically logged out of Sage HRMS if they have not logged out for the day.�
User Security list - include active/inactive column in list
Add consistency throughout the product by moving the active/inactive status to be easier to see within the list of users. This aids users as well who maintain security to have easy visibility to this.�
In some clients: when a user has no access to some companies and employees, the system forces the user to open and view an employee prior to allowing any menu options to be selected. This should be corrected. I can provide an example of this to de...
Give users the ability to enable dark mode in HRMS
The Sage HRMS Subscription model removes most of the color from HRMS, making it difficult to see when a box ends and a Needs Review one starts. It is all white or light shades of grey. The HRMS application feels unfinished. The end user should be ...
Termination Date field into the visible columns on the Employee Find screen
I regularly look at the employee find screen (a million times a day), it would be so useful to have a termination date available at quick glance without doing a deep dive in the employees profile.