To reset the password to the default setting, the system changes it to newuser. newuser is not a valid formatted password. Can they change the reset password to a valid password?
Default year when typing 25 in HR should change to 2025 rather than 1925
When typing a two digit year, it has been defaulting to the correct 4 digit year. For example, typing 24 results in 2024 in HRMS benefits, leaves etc. However, when typing 25, it defaults to 1925 rather than 2025.
Transaction history should include Taxable Wage Ceiling and Non Ceiling for Local Taxes
As payroll calculates both fields during processing, Transaction History should allow both fields to be populated during entry of Transaction History details to alleviate balances in both fields for YTD and Tax Calc Analysis Report, etc.
about 2 months ago
in Payroll
Needs review
ESS Pending or Approved transactions no show if prior to a specified date.
Since the Q3, 2023 update where Pending and Approved transactions (not processed into HRMS through ESS which is very common since they come in through timecards when taken if HRMS Payroll exists), there has been an issue with the balance being off...
Update Benefits Process change to run by Benefit, then employee and allow a date and reason
When the Update Benefit Process is run, it runs first by employee, then benefit. It also defaults the date to the date the process is run and reason of Update Benefits. It needs to be changed to first run by Benefit, then employee. This way the hi...
Allison Allen
9 months ago
in Human Resources
Needs review
Employee First Name/Last Name field length expanded
It would be nice to have the employee first name (p_fname - max 14 characters; in Sage Payroll FirstName - 15), last name (p_lname - max 25 characters; in payroll - 20), and middle name (p_mi - max 14 characters; in payroll - 15) be exapanded. I h...
Sage ESS Premium Email Address has label of Personal and Alternate in Page View. The Personal label needs to be changed to Primary or something similar to make it more consistent with HRMS label
In HRMS the Email fields on the Demographic page are generically labeled as Email and Alternate Email.; In Sage ESS on the Personal Information Page they are labeled ;Personal; and ;Alternate Email;. That is confusing as it is usually not a Person...
Delete multiple Life Events based on certain criteria
The capability needs to be added to mass remove Life Events by allowing various criteria selections, for example, by Status, Date Range of start date of Life Event, individually selecting from a list, etc.
W-2 Reporting for Combined Employee/Employer Amounts Should be Single Code
W-2 reporting for combined employee/ employer reporting should be tied to a single deduction code in Sage HRMS payroll. Currently a deduction code (employee W-2 reporting) and also a benefit code (employer W-2 reporting) are both required for corr...
Build into the system that a transaction number within any one Bank Setup not be allowed. This will aid clients and their banking arrangements, as this affects positive pay and other reporting matters.
10 months ago
in Payroll
Future consideration