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Sage HRMS - NA Ideas Portal

Human Resources

Showing 32

SSN Search

Please add the ability to search by the last 4 digits of the social security number. No one provides a full social security number these days. Sometimes, the only way to find the person is by the last 4 digits of the social.
Guest 4 days ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Add former last name

Please add the field former last name as well as the ability to search by it. We generally find people by last name. We have an employee population where last name changes are common. If the last name changes in Sage and the person searching is no...
Guest 4 days ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Add a step to the Change Job and Pay task (need to be able to adjust the seniority date as well)

No description provided
Guest 8 days ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Default year when typing 25 in HR should change to 2025 rather than 1925

When typing a two digit year, it has been defaulting to the correct 4 digit year. For example, typing 24 results in 2024 in HRMS benefits, leaves etc. However, when typing 25, it defaults to 1925 rather than 2025.
Guest 3 months ago in Human Resources 1 Needs review

Employee First Name/Last Name field length expanded

It would be nice to have the employee first name (p_fname - max 14 characters; in Sage Payroll FirstName - 15), last name (p_lname - max 25 characters; in payroll - 20), and middle name (p_mi - max 14 characters; in payroll - 15) be exapanded. I h...
Guest 5 months ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Update Benefits Process change to run by Benefit, then employee and allow a date and reason

When the Update Benefit Process is run, it runs first by employee, then benefit. It also defaults the date to the date the process is run and reason of Update Benefits. It needs to be changed to first run by Benefit, then employee. This way the hi...
Allison Allen 9 months ago in Human Resources 2 Needs review

Hide Salary filter by Department

add feature to Security Group setup to hide Salary by Department, Job Title, etc. for HR Clerk
Guest 4 months ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

New hire - have company code before SSN/SIN

When adding a new hire, if the client has US and Canadian companies, the field for SIN/SSN is prior to the company code. So a user would type in the ID, then select the company. When doing that, it wipes out the SSN/SIN that was entered and it has...
Susan Larson 7 months ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Scrolling through each employee using shortcut

It would be useful to have a shortcut option (+/-) to scroll through employees, without using an actual tab button.
Guest 3 months ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Address change should provide option to change address of dependent as well.

Address change should provide option to change address of dependent as well. This should include from ESS for employee changes.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review