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Sage HRMS - NA Ideas Portal


Showing 12

Transaction history should include Taxable Wage Ceiling and Non Ceiling for Local Taxes

As payroll calculates both fields during processing, Transaction History should allow both fields to be populated during entry of Transaction History details to alleviate balances in both fields for YTD and Tax Calc Analysis Report, etc.
Guest 3 months ago in Payroll 1 Needs review

W-2 Reporting for Combined Employee/Employer Amounts Should be Single Code

W-2 reporting for combined employee/ employer reporting should be tied to a single deduction code in Sage HRMS payroll. Currently a deduction code (employee W-2 reporting) and also a benefit code (employer W-2 reporting) are both required for corr...
Guest about 1 year ago in Payroll 0 Needs review

Gross Up Calculator - don't import all pay lines in the generated timecard

The generated timecard needs to bring in only the applicable earnings/deductions. Currently it brings over everything from the Pay Page which can be a very cumbersome timecard. Users then manually delete the extra line entries manually.
Allison Allen about 1 year ago in Payroll 0 Needs review

Payroll Accruals run every time you calculate -- we should have a choice whether or not to run and they should only run for whomever is being calculated

In larger companies, the payroll accrual process that runs at the beginning of calculate payroll can take a long time. Either break that out to it's on menu/process flow item, or give us the option to not have it run. If we are recalculating, ther...
Paralea Boose over 1 year ago in Payroll 0 Needs review

Reverse Transactions does not allow for a specific reversal date when you reverse multiple transactions

In Reverse Transactions, you cannot set the reversal date globally. You have to set it on each line item, unless you want it to inherit today's date from your workstation (which is often not the case). If you just finished a payroll incorrectly an...
Paralea Boose over 1 year ago in Payroll 0 Needs review

Stop Employer Deduction when Employee Deduction Reaches Maximum.

Deduction codes should have an option to stop the employer calculation when the employee calculation reaches the annual max. This would be useful for retirement plans that match based on the employee contribution.
Aric Turlington 5 months ago in Payroll 1 Needs review

Allow Earnings Distribution to be run by one employee

Allow the ability to run Earnings Distribution for one employee, or some filtering, and not process all each time.
Guest about 2 years ago in Payroll 0 Needs review

Add a way to manually sync the payroll DB

We have issues where they payroll database gets un-synced and then there is typically some messing about with getting users past that then for whatever reason it will sync again. This would be much easier if we could re-sync it ourselves and save ...
Guest 9 months ago in Payroll 0 Needs review

Eliminate security lists for payroll when appropriate

Remove the fact of a user group requiring a selection list for each user if that user group has access to all employees. It could be a check box in the Security Group which is paid attention to in the Log In Process.�This step causes huge delays o...
Guest about 3 years ago in Payroll 0 Needs review

Employee Payroll detail page field labled last Last Raise Date

Currently this field is pulling from a prior rasie date, shown on the Current Pay Detail Page, Pay & Performance Tab, Labeled Previous Las Change versus the field p_payeff, show on Current Pay tab, labeled Pay Effective. Please allow me to pro...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Payroll 0 Needs review