We�desperately�need the option to choose whether or not time off is sent to HRMS by salary/hourly, as well as have the option to send by plan.� Hourly people need to come through payroll, while most salaried people do not. We need the option to be able to process/send time off into HRMS based on if the employee is salaried or hourly, and it would be good to have the option to specify which plans can go to HRMS.� If Salaried/Hourly/Both are a choice, this will give us flexibility to let both hourly and salary request time off through ESS, while sending only salary over to the absence transactions from ESS as salary people don't usually have time off broken out in their pay. Hourly people need to submit time taken on their timesheet to be paid properly, but not salaried. The current feature of sending time off for all or none doesn't work for virtually any client.