Delete multiple Life Events based on certain criteria
The capability needs to be added to mass remove Life Events by allowing various criteria selections, for example, by Status, Date Range of start date of Life Event, individually selecting from a list, etc.
Life Events selection based on Benefit, not Plan Group
When you create an Open Enrollment, you can select the exact Benefits, i.e. Benefit Elections. When you create a Life Event, you select the Plan Group. This then rolls in all Benefit Elections linked to that Plan Group. The option needs to be cons...
Open Enrollment and Life Event Approval detail needs to show both elections and current benefits.
When the Benefit Administrator review enrollment requests for either/both Open Enrollment and Life Events, the current benefits need to display along with the enrollment request. For example, "Changed From" in another column or the current enrollm...
Update Benefit ability for an individual - Similar to Accrue Time option
The ability to run "Update Benefits" on the Employee Level, for example a button or functionality similar to what is available on the Time Off Summary page. This would be tremendously useful for use with Life Event Approval (or Savings Plan Groups...
Employee Contribution available as an option in "Store Election Value in" field
We need the ability to save an election, specifically if an "Amount Entry Only" option directly into the Employee Contribution field. An example is for FSA or HSA type benefits where the employee is instructed to enter their elected contribution. ...
Enrollment Rate Table needs to allow modifications to Formula
When Plans are moved from the Live to Enrollment Tables you can't modify the Column Formulas, you can only change the Rate Table.� Many of these formulas are based on static dates which need to be different for the Enrollment Rate Tables.� Current...
Currently all Life Events created show up under the Life Event menu. There needs to be the ability to show/hide specific Life Events. Often, they are created in error but can't be deleted once a person accesses and creates a record attached to the...