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Sage HRMS - NA Ideas Portal


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Allow for an override of the employer match percent in Savings Plans since the Savings Plan Groups dont always calculate correctly.

In Savings Plans, we have an option in Premium to tell the employer match to Not calculate from plan rules. However, unlike the employee side, it doesn't open up the field so we can correct the employer match percentage that is calculating incorre...
Paralea Boose almost 2 years ago in Benefits 3 Shipped

Add the Amount/Percent toggle for Employee Cost on Savings Plans to the rule level

If payroll is installed, we cannot have both amount and percent in the same plan code. At the rule level, add an indicator that says if the plan should be Amount/Percentage/Both. If Amount or Percentage is chosen, default that at the employee leve...
Paralea Boose over 4 years ago in Benefits 0 Shipped

Insurance Savings Screen column says PRETAX, but not all are pre-tax (ROTH)

In the Savings screen the column with the dollar amount calculated sayas Pre-Tax.� However, with Roth savings plans having been available for better than 12 years, this screen really needs to be updated.� The column really should be a single Amoun...
Paralea Boose over 6 years ago in Benefits 0 Shipped