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Sage HRMS - NA Ideas Portal

Human Resources

Showing 7

Benefit Insurance/Savings Pages - Allow for filter and sort on Waive Date

With the Q3, 2022 Quarterly Update inclusion of Waived Plans from LE/OE, need the ability to filter on Waive Date (add another filter Option to radio buttons at the tope - currently Show All Plans or Only Current). Also, need to display the Waive ...
Allison Allen about 2 years ago in Human Resources 0 Planned

Gender Identity drop down list

The gender identity drop down list does not use the language that I would expect for gender identity. The list uses male and female when�from my experience it should say man and woman. In addition, two spirit is missing from the drop down list. Th...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Human Resources 0 Planned

need separate fields for Mailing address and Physical address

HRMS needs separate fields for Mailing and Physical addresses, including city, state, and zip.� We have about 1,000 employees, and many have PO boxes.� We enter employees' mailing addresses into HRMS so it can be used for mailing W2s and other doc...
Guest about 3 years ago in Human Resources 0 Planned

Include and Display Nickname Field when searching and view employees

Full formal names are essential for government reporting, but many employees use a nickname in daily use. The Sage HRMS system should include the Nickname field from the Personal tab as one of the fields searched when doing a "Quick Find". Sage HR...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Human Resources 0 Planned

Need a field that holds an Employees Suffix (Jr., Sr., II, III, IV, etc.)

The typical route of doing this in our organization is to put the suffix in the Last Name Field. However, we learned this caused problems with those employees opening a check stub in ESS if there was a comma in the name (not sure of any other char...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Human Resources 0 Planned

If the termination date is not filled in properly, a runtime error populates and will not let you back in the profile

When an employee is terminated without a termination date, the product crashes every time that employee record is viewed, and it cannot be corrected without going into the database and directly populating that date or setting the employee status b...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Human Resources 0 Planned

Nickname field displayed in search criteria and display

When using Advanced Find, make Nickname a searchable field and include it in the display columns.
Guest about 3 years ago in Human Resources 0 Planned