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Sage HRMS - NA Ideas Portal

Employee Self Service

Showing 12

Ability to Store Coverage Type value on Election Requirements page, even if another mapping requirement is selected

The Election Requirement Page needs to be updated to allow optional information in the Value Column (or a new column if easier) to update into HRMS from OE or QLE Benefit Enrollment to update the Coverage Type field for the applicable benefit in H...
Allison Allen 10 months ago in Employee Self Service 0 Planned

Password Reset email from Sage ESS has incorrect option.

When an employee is locked out of ESS, the email they receive from Sage ESS when the HR Administrator clicks 'Reset Password' still says "Click on Forgot Your Password". This option no longer exists. The option now is "User Name and Password Help".
Allison Allen 11 months ago in Employee Self Service 1 Planned

Ability to enter SSN without dashes for ESS Logon creation/authentication

Remove the requirement to include dashes in SSN when entering for the various Sage ESS authentication/logon creation requirements. Or, add the capability to toggle whether the dashes will be required in Employer Setup, Settings
Allison Allen almost 1 year ago in Employee Self Service 1 Planned

Sage ESS Premium Email Address has label of Personal and Alternate in Page View. The Personal label needs to be changed to Primary or something similar to make it more consistent with HRMS label

In HRMS the Email fields on the Demographic page are generically labeled as Email and Alternate Email.; In Sage ESS on the Personal Information Page they are labeled ;Personal; and ;Alternate Email;. That is confusing as it is usually not a Person...
Allison Allen about 1 year ago in Employee Self Service 0 Planned

Make the buttons on ESS Login Maintenance left justified.

When accessing login maintenance on ESS, one cannot reach the "Save" button on screens with limited width such as phones or even a laptop that is moderately zoomed in.� Please change to left justified.� I could not unlock several users that I need...
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee Self Service 0 Planned

Add a Page to ESS for announcments

Add a place in ESS for announcments, including the ability to link documents to these announcements.
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee Self Service 0 Planned

HRMS ESS Company Phone List with Extensions only.

There is�a request to�show extensions only in the ESS phone list. When the employees need to call one another they just dial an extension.� An extension can be entered in the employee's record in HRMS without a phone number entry.� However, in the...
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee Self Service 0 Planned

Sage ESS Premium - All menus previously available in Existing Version need to be moved to Premium - Specifically noted for this Post - Training Pages

The ability to see Training pages in Sage ESS Mobile is not available.� Clients getting pushed to move to Mobile and losing this functionality.� Please add the Training pages to Sage ESS Mobile.
Allison Allen over 2 years ago in Employee Self Service 0 Planned

Add the ability to select any/all custom detail pages to show/edit in ESS like the other employee pages

There should be some way of programming this, as the custom detail pages are either single or multi record, just like other employee pages. We should be able to turn them on with view/edit access like other pages.
Paralea Boose over 2 years ago in Employee Self Service 0 Planned

Show pending changes and prevent duplicates from being submitted at once

When a user requests an address change, or any change,�that�requires approval, they have no way to see that change�is in process. Then they submit a second or third change.�These overlapping request cause unnecessary work for the approver and can ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Employee Self Service 0 Planned