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Sage HRMS - NA Ideas Portal

Human Resources

Showing 9

Add Backup to HRMS

I suggest that Sage add the backup feature within the program for HRMS.� This feature was in Abra Suite.
Guest about 4 years ago in Human Resources 0 Shipped

Add ability to default an amount/percentage on Savings Benefits for employee percentages

More and more plans are defaulting employees to contributing, and some have a scale. If we could default the employee percentage (either with an amount, formula or rate table) that would be great. Also some customers are union shops that have spec...
Paralea Boose over 5 years ago in Human Resources 0 Shipped

Source of Hire will not take spaces or special characters

Source of Hire should at least take spaces, if not full text.�
Paralea Boose over 4 years ago in Human Resources 0 Shipped

Add an Export to Excel feature to the Advanced Find that will export the list (even if it is filtered)

It would be really handy to be able to export from the lookup instead of having to setup and run a query.� If it could export to Excel we would be able to print/sort it as well.
Paralea Boose over 6 years ago in Human Resources 0 Shipped

Gender Options on employee record

I'm sure many are aware that there is a need for a 3rd Gender (other, non-binary, etc) is becoming necessary.� Right now in HRMS there is of course male and female. Many of our benefit carriers support an unreported/non-binary/etc, but we can not ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Human Resources 0 Shipped

Attachment Codes should have the flag for Display in ESS

Rather than having to flag the Display in ESS on each attachment that is uploaded to an employees record.� The flag should be set up as yes or no on the actual attachment code itself.� This would help to eliminate some forgetting to check the flag...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Human Resources 0 Shipped

Add company cell to Employee Demographics

There should be a field on the employee demographics for a company cell phone, this number should also be included in ESS.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Human Resources 0 Shipped

Attachment Tab

Would like to see different attachment tabs.� An attachment tab for HR documents, an attachment tab specifically for training, and a third for Medical.� I think the flow would be better.� (no need to have a training certificate mixed in with HR at...
Guest about 3 years ago in Human Resources 0 Shipped

Insurance Savings Screen column says PRETAX, but not all things are pre-tax (Roth for instance)

In the Savings screen the column with the dollar amount calculated says Pre-Tax.� However, with Roth savings plans having been available for better than 12 years, this screen really needs to be updated.� The column really should say Amount, or the...
Paralea Boose over 6 years ago in Human Resources 0 Shipped