ESS Pending or Approved transactions no show if prior to a specified date.
Since the Q3, 2023 update where Pending and Approved transactions (not processed into HRMS through ESS which is very common since they come in through timecards when taken if HRMS Payroll exists), there has been an issue with the balance being off...
Sage ESS Premium Email Address has label of Personal and Alternate in Page View. The Personal label needs to be changed to Primary or something similar to make it more consistent with HRMS label
In HRMS the Email fields on the Demographic page are generically labeled as Email and Alternate Email.; In Sage ESS on the Personal Information Page they are labeled ;Personal; and ;Alternate Email;. That is confusing as it is usually not a Person...
Add employee status to Logon Maintenance in Sage ESS
In Sage ESS Logon Maintenance, there is a field called Status. Users think this is the Employee Status in Sage HRMS. It causes confusion when they see Terminated Employees in the list. It would be helpful to relabel that as ESS Logon Status and ad...
Need ability to add attachments to time off requests from the mobile browser screen just like you can in the web screen
You can do this in the web screen, but not from the mobile screen. If an employee is out and wants to request time off with something like a doctor's note, they have to wait until they are at the web version instead of doing it from the mobile ver...
Sage ESS Premium - All menus previously available in Existing Version need to be moved to Premium - Specifically noted for this Post - Training Pages
The ability to see Training pages in Sage ESS Mobile is not available.� Clients getting pushed to move to Mobile and losing this functionality.� Please add the Training pages to Sage ESS Mobile.
Ability to enter SSN without dashes for ESS Logon creation/authentication
Remove the requirement to include dashes in SSN when entering for the various Sage ESS authentication/logon creation requirements. Or, add the capability to toggle whether the dashes will be required in Employer Setup, Settings
When ESS times out, especially the web portal, have it close and go back to the login screen
ESS should work more like a bank website, and pop up a box reminding the user they are going to be logged out, and if the time isn't extended, it should return to the login screen. This would keep sensitive information from being shown.