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Sage HRMS - NA Ideas Portal

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Hide Salary filter by Department

add feature to Security Group setup to hide Salary by Department, Job Title, etc. for HR Clerk
Guest 4 months ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Return from Leave allow option to NOT automatically accrue Time Off plans to current

The Return from Leave Task automatically accrues time through the current date. Most of the time this is not wanted as the Accrued Through date should only be as of the most recently pay period end date. There needs to be an option on the first st...
Allison Allen 12 months ago in Human Resources 1 Future consideration

Gross Up Calculator - don't import all pay lines in the generated timecard

The generated timecard needs to bring in only the applicable earnings/deductions. Currently it brings over everything from the Pay Page which can be a very cumbersome timecard. Users then manually delete the extra line entries manually.
Allison Allen about 1 year ago in Payroll 0 Needs review

New hire - have company code before SSN/SIN

When adding a new hire, if the client has US and Canadian companies, the field for SIN/SSN is prior to the company code. So a user would type in the ID, then select the company. When doing that, it wipes out the SSN/SIN that was entered and it has...
Susan Larson 7 months ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Scrolling through each employee using shortcut

It would be useful to have a shortcut option (+/-) to scroll through employees, without using an actual tab button.
Guest 3 months ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Payroll Check Inquiry Tab Option

When looking at an employee's payroll check inquiry it would be so useful to be able to tab (+/-) through check dates, instead of closing out each individual check.
Guest 3 months ago in  0 Needs review

Termination Date field into the visible columns on the Employee Find screen

I regularly look at the employee find screen (a million times a day), it would be so useful to have a termination date available at quick glance without doing a deep dive in the employees profile.
Guest 3 months ago in System 0 Needs review

Automate Accruals (Time Off Module)

I would like to see a process that will automate accruals. This could be an SQL store procedure that can be called with parameters. I am particularly interested in a way to accrue all plans for a specific date. (This date will be the PPED of the n...
Guest 5 months ago in Time Off 0 Needs review

Payroll Accruals run every time you calculate -- we should have a choice whether or not to run and they should only run for whomever is being calculated

In larger companies, the payroll accrual process that runs at the beginning of calculate payroll can take a long time. Either break that out to it's on menu/process flow item, or give us the option to not have it run. If we are recalculating, ther...
Paralea Boose over 1 year ago in Payroll 0 Needs review

Effective Date needs to be updated to the Needs Review date if an employee elected a benefit, waived it, then elected again. Or, as an alternative, an alternate date needs to be created to store "subsequent election" date - different from Latest Change

The absence of this functionality requires 100% review of employees adding plans to ensure the plan was not previously enrolled. The standard reporting does not support this review. And the subsequent changes require manual intervention. While cus...
Allison Allen over 1 year ago in Open Enrollment/Life Event 0 Needs review