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Sage 100 is not reading the country code using an import csv file

Sage 100 requires a country code. When data is imported to HRMS from a CSV file, the Country code is not recognized by Sage 100. However, when you manually type the country code in to HRMS and then attempt to transfer the data, it will recognize t...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Sage 100 Payroll Link 0 Needs review

Leave plans should fit governmental mandates

Real world leave management allows for a carry over balance (of ANY amount especially in Sick leave), an accrual with a cap that is managed for just the current accrual year and doesn't consider the balance or carry over, and lastly an ability to ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Time Off 0 Needs review

Open Enrollment - Dependent Date of Birth

On Open Enrollment Provider Details Report - it would be very helpful if dependent(s) date of birth were added to this file.�
Guest about 2 years ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

When exporting description fields from the Secure Query tool to excel, the description has extra spaces

Fix the Query tool so that when you export descriptions to excel, the columns don't have additional spaces in the field (the full 60 characters). The fields need the ALLTRIM function applied so that the columns in excel aren't 50 characters wider ...
Paralea Boose about 4 years ago in Secure Query 0 Planned

Go back to main menu when leaving PR processes

When a user accesses and closes functions like Assign Earnings/Deductions or Assign Taxes, etc. and closes the page, it default so the Advanced Find, and several additional clicks are required to go do the next thing. That should be modified to go...
Guest over 4 years ago in Payroll 0 Needs review

Change the Emergency Contact window to be multi-record

It's in its own table like all other multi-record screens. In the list view you should show Name, Relation, and all phone numbers (need the option to rename the pager field here). Address could be shown by drilling into the record.
Paralea Boose over 4 years ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Payroll Status uses the Change Effective Date, not the Termination Date, when writing to the Employee Payroll screen

If Payroll status is changed to Terminated, it should use the date from the termination panel, not the Change Effective date (which can get changed for fields other than payroll status). Or, when changing, have it ask you to create a job history r...
Paralea Boose over 4 years ago in Human Resources 0 Needs review

Process Earnings Distribution on the Menu

Add�Process Earnings Distribution on the Menu, not just the payroll process roadmap. Many clients don't need it, then wish to test it, but it's not on the menu. All items within the product should be somewhere in the menu.
Guest over 4 years ago in Payroll 0 Planned

Make Single Sign-On work on the mobile version of the site.

Single Sign-on does not currently work for the items on My Menus that were recently added to mobile. It would be really helpful if that could work as our employees would like to access HR Actions from their phones.
Guest over 4 years ago in Employee Self Service 0 Needs review

List Current Benefit Offerings Alphabetically

In Current Benefits in ESS, can the benefits be listed alphabetically?
Guest almost 5 years ago in Employee Self Service 0 Needs review